The One Kingdom Campaign will reenchant the Church with Christ and his kingdom, recast a captivating vision of following Jesus, and rebuild community around that vision.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
comprised of
Three Major Initiatives
Christianity Today provides a unifying voice, a rallying point, and a generative community for Christians to be inspired, strengthened, and equipped to serve a world in desperate need of the gospel.
The Global Initiative will represent what God is doing around the world, interconnecting the global Church and illuminating the work of Jesus on every continent.
The Next Gen Initiative will empower CT to reach younger generations with an inspiring vision of what it looks like in our time to follow Jesus and advance his kingdom.
The Big Tent Initiative will equip CT to better reflect the diversity of the North American church, building conversation across political and racial divides.
campaign goal total
$28 Million
between 2024–2026
A Note from the President and CEO
Since Billy Graham founded Christianity Today in 1956, CT has served as a storyteller for the global Church and a rallying point for Christians who strive to follow Jesus faithfully in a complex world.
While CT’s passion remains the same—for all people to love Christ and his kingdom—we believe the current cultural, political, and ecclesial landscape demands more from us than ever before.

Dr. Timothy Dalrymple