The Big Tent Initiative will equip CT to better represent the diversity of the North American church, building conversation across political and racial divides.
God made us to find identity, belonging, and encouragement in community.
The One Kingdom Campaign is not merely about forming content but forming community around our content. We want readers who are confused and discouraged to look at Christianity Today and say, “That is the kind of Christian I can be: thoughtful, informed, humble, and compassionate. Committed wholeheartedly to Jesus and his kingdom.” Then we want to connect them in a fellowship that transcends and encompasses every tribe and nation.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Our unity and love are a critical part of our witness to the power of God at work among us. The Big Tent Initiative equips Christianity Today to represent and reconvene the depth and breadth of the North American Church. In a time of division, it builds bridges across Christian communities separated by race and politics.
The Big Tent Initiative Will